i have returned to the 'grind' and am tap-a-tap-tapping at my keyboard like any given work day. i'm also completely exhausted. going to bed around 3am for the past few days has thrown my schedule off a bunch (i wonder how frank does it?) Happy New Year to everyone and a quick happy birthday shout-out to rachael who just hit the quarter-century mark.
this weekend was a blast. we went to cleveland to join her family (extended too) at a hotel where everybody got a room and we all played random games in one of the party rooms. i think there were 40+ people in total. the other thing is sarah and i surprised everybody because nobody except her grandparents knew we were coming in. i think best reactions go to brian and her great aunt teri. the cousins were as cute as ever - pictures to come...probably on sarah's blog because i'm too lazy.
so the new year is here and i have a few plans, as opposed to resolutions. why the difference? why quibble over semantics? let's just say i have various things i plan on doing before 2007. saying i now have any more resolve to achieve those plans than i did at the end of 2005 would simply be a lie. thus, my plans for the year so far are:
- go back to school
- watch how much i eat (i already eat healthy, well balanced meals, i just eat too much)
wish me luck...
lastly, i saw memoirs of a geisha. i know ms. alexakis wrote her review while ago, but i need to add in my two cents. i think those who have already read the book will be pleased with this flick. it stays true to storyline and only diverges for short stints that are clearly due to time constraints. it gave a solid look into the life and world of geishas while staying away from painting the japanese culture in a bad light. for those of you who haven't read the book, i think you may find it a little slow at first, but i think you'll enjoy the cinematography at the very least. and if you're like brad, i'll know what to get you next christmas...a geisha.
this weekend was a blast. we went to cleveland to join her family (extended too) at a hotel where everybody got a room and we all played random games in one of the party rooms. i think there were 40+ people in total. the other thing is sarah and i surprised everybody because nobody except her grandparents knew we were coming in. i think best reactions go to brian and her great aunt teri. the cousins were as cute as ever - pictures to come...probably on sarah's blog because i'm too lazy.
so the new year is here and i have a few plans, as opposed to resolutions. why the difference? why quibble over semantics? let's just say i have various things i plan on doing before 2007. saying i now have any more resolve to achieve those plans than i did at the end of 2005 would simply be a lie. thus, my plans for the year so far are:
- go back to school
- watch how much i eat (i already eat healthy, well balanced meals, i just eat too much)
wish me luck...
lastly, i saw memoirs of a geisha. i know ms. alexakis wrote her review while ago, but i need to add in my two cents. i think those who have already read the book will be pleased with this flick. it stays true to storyline and only diverges for short stints that are clearly due to time constraints. it gave a solid look into the life and world of geishas while staying away from painting the japanese culture in a bad light. for those of you who haven't read the book, i think you may find it a little slow at first, but i think you'll enjoy the cinematography at the very least. and if you're like brad, i'll know what to get you next christmas...a geisha.
At 1:58 PM,
sarah said…
i have two issues: you just referred to me as a "her", and you misspelled my aunt Terry's name. But we did have a blast, didn't we. I think the highlight of the weekend goes to the moon over valley view theater (ha ha).
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