random winter nothings
it's forecasted to snow again today. a lot. makes me think of calvin and hobbes and all the fun they have "exploring" their back yard. the snowman house of horrors are always amusing.
sarah's been rather ill the last few days. she's on the recovering end, but the weather in general isn't cooperating. thank heavens for ny-quil day-quil and all quils.
today is the jolly bengali's birthday, so if you have a chance, give faisal a call. i'm sure he'd appreciate it.
i'm having lunch with ms. myette this afternoon at the berghoff. it's funny to think how long i've known college friends now. "college friends" used to be synonymous with newer, more recent acquaintances and now it refers to people i've known for almost 6 years! that's a quarter of my life. i think that means i'm getting old.
if you recall my last post, i was in search of a new winter ski jacket. i found it - it's from lands end via sears. it was a sweet deal and it's kept me warm every day this week so far.
lastly, sarah and i have recently taken back up an old hobby...good ol' super smash brothers melee...needless to say, we're both tired and spent way too much time playing yesterday. but don't worry, i'm not playing nearly as much as frank plays halo ;)
sarah's been rather ill the last few days. she's on the recovering end, but the weather in general isn't cooperating. thank heavens for ny-quil day-quil and all quils.
today is the jolly bengali's birthday, so if you have a chance, give faisal a call. i'm sure he'd appreciate it.
i'm having lunch with ms. myette this afternoon at the berghoff. it's funny to think how long i've known college friends now. "college friends" used to be synonymous with newer, more recent acquaintances and now it refers to people i've known for almost 6 years! that's a quarter of my life. i think that means i'm getting old.
if you recall my last post, i was in search of a new winter ski jacket. i found it - it's from lands end via sears. it was a sweet deal and it's kept me warm every day this week so far.
lastly, sarah and i have recently taken back up an old hobby...good ol' super smash brothers melee...needless to say, we're both tired and spent way too much time playing yesterday. but don't worry, i'm not playing nearly as much as frank plays halo ;)
At 3:10 PM,
curious m said…
Jed recently tried to graduate me from Mario Kart to Smash Brotheres. The combinations are easy enough to remember, but my lack of coordination results in more 'falling off the edge' deaths than is acceptable. Dammit.
At 3:42 PM,
sarah said…
Megan, you must play kirby --I swear by him, and it takes a lot to knock that puff ball out of the world.
and Bill I was sick this weekend... you shouldn't give people the wrong idea that i was just stiing around watching movies and playing video games... ehmm.. perhaps I'll just stop there
At 4:20 PM,
Bill said…
yeah, character selection when you start playing is key.
i bet it doesn't help that jed's raining poke balls and p-k-fire on you as you try deperately to grab an edge. what a bastard ;)
At 10:39 PM,
Frank said…
i'm not sure if that was a backhanded compliment, or an outright slap in the face. but either way, I'll take it.
YAY. I was mentioned for my video game skillz. What about my bo staff skillz?
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