road rage
chalk it up. we survived another trip to cleveland. i have to say, the drive is easy enough. the directions are straight forward and the distance is manageable. what i can't take are the morons. the hoards and hoards of inconsiderate, lazy, and uncaring fools "driving" around 3000 lb SUVs at 80+ miles an hour. i put "driving" in quotes because so many of them really can't drive. there were multiple near-misses and just too much highway braking due to bad decisions. it's really taxing and 7 hours later i'm nearing my breaking point. there wasn't any event in particular that prompted this, just the whole situation. i'm sure everyone reading this can relate. if you have a horrific driving experience, please share it. consider it free therapy.
At 1:13 PM,
curious m said…
Five minutes after picking up my car from the car-shipping place I was nearly crushed to death between two gimungous vehicles--one was a Ford 350 truck and the other one was a huge dump truck pulling two trailers in a two-lane on-ramp. And neither one knew how to merge.
At 10:57 AM,
Bill said…
that sounds like something out of a horror flick. highway merging etiquette and skills are definitely up there on the rage scale. for example, on this last trip home, we were stuck on a ramp behind someone who thought merging at 40mph onto an 80mph average highway was ok.
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