Speaking of Bill...

Yes, speaking of me, a wonderful idea. Be warned though that this is not for the faint of heart. I will be bitching about my daily struggles with no talent ass clowns, the insufficient number of hours in a day and my neverending search for good food. Still here? Excellent. Read on and join in.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


i was gonna spew some more go-see-quantum-of-solace-this-weekend stuff, but a food coma has hijacked anything of interest i had to say. i need a nap. i'm tired. i know a lot of others are too (if facebook statuses are any indicator). what's the deal with our generation being chronically sleep deprived? i'm pretty sure my parents' generation was even more tired on average, but just didn't bitch about it. i've also heard that as you get older you don't need as much sleep. are they serious? being generous, i get around 6 hours a night on average and have a hard time figuring out how i'll function on sub-6. hell, what would one look like on let's say 4 hours of sleep every night? i think the correct term to describe that would be "hot mess," according to urban dictionary. ok, i know people who do it (my old AP chem teacher) and i probably will too one day (read: fatherhood) but for now, i find that such a scary prospect. tonight, i'm going to be in bed before midnight. i'll let you know what happens in the morning.

yes winnie, that's exactly how i feel...


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