Speaking of Bill...

Yes, speaking of me, a wonderful idea. Be warned though that this is not for the faint of heart. I will be bitching about my daily struggles with no talent ass clowns, the insufficient number of hours in a day and my neverending search for good food. Still here? Excellent. Read on and join in.

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Mr. and Mrs. Bill

we're back. new and improved?...maybe not...smarter and funnier?...perhaps...happy with lots of great stuff?...definitely.

first off, thanks to everyone who was able to make the trek out to cleveland country. it was a wonderful time and everything went as smooth as can be - only a few minor hiccups that most people didn't even notice. weather, food, friends, ceremony, reception...just perfect. i still can't believe we're married and i'm still not used to this small band of metal around my left hand ring finger.

as for the honeymoon, we were also blessed with some great weather (read hot and as bleepin' muggy as can it can possibly be). Otherwise, we had a relaxing time at the magic kingdom in a great room with a super view of the castle and we ate well. really well. i had sushi so good the first night, it makes me want to cry just thinking about it. we'll post some pictures soon.

now back to reality. sigh. i wonder if there's anything good on tv...


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