i want one!

yes, here's a throwback to megan's old post about the little panda cub. and after 100 days he's finally been named - Tai Shan (peaceful mountain). that wouldn't be my first choice, but who cares, i still want one. how could you not?
Yes, speaking of me, a wonderful idea. Be warned though that this is not for the faint of heart. I will be bitching about my daily struggles with no talent ass clowns, the insufficient number of hours in a day and my neverending search for good food. Still here? Excellent. Read on and join in.
At 1:14 PM,
sarah said…
so fuzzy....
so cute...
At 2:31 PM,
curious m said…
Just one? I want to fill an entire room with baby pandas so that I can roll around in them a la Uncle Scrooge. It would be so fun and soft--at least until the tragic nature of the situation finally hits home.
At 3:55 PM,
Bill said…
yes, but wouldn't it be worth it in the end?
At 3:31 PM,
Skim said…
Is it or is it not racist to insist that all pandas be named something that sounds Chinese? I don't know since I'm not Chinese, so I'm asking Bill.
At 2:26 AM,
Bill said…
eh, it probably is racist, but i like pandas so i don't mind. now if they named all hyenas with chinese names, i'd have to raise an objection.
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