f@#$ me!
so i still haven't fully caught up on my sleep since vegas. ugh. it's beginning to wear on me and it's also why i haven't posted in a while. anyway, here are the latest events that have caused me to say "f%#$ me!"
- Sarah and i are driving home from Cleveland yesterday. it's 4pm, too hot, too humid and too sunny near South Bend, Indiana. Did i also mention too boring? well, we notice that the road ahead of us seems to be lacking sunlight. i know there's a 1 hour time difference, but the storm clouds ahead made it feel like we were driving into midnight. my right hand was twitchy and tested out the windshield wipers just in case. slowly but surely the sun went away and 2 drops into it, the skies opened up. i haven't been in a storm that violent in long long time. the wipers on fast could barely keep up with the water coming down. it was white out conditions and i couldn't see 5 feet ahead of the car. we plugged along for 5-10 minutes with no reprieve. in your opinion, is it better to pull off on the side of the road or keep moving at a slow pace? on a happier note, the rain cleaned all of the bugs off the car. on a sadder note, the rain took a layer of paint and metal with it too.
-got up 10 minutes late this morning.
-checked my bank account statement.
-saw the time (2:34pm) and realized how much of the work day is left.
- Sarah and i are driving home from Cleveland yesterday. it's 4pm, too hot, too humid and too sunny near South Bend, Indiana. Did i also mention too boring? well, we notice that the road ahead of us seems to be lacking sunlight. i know there's a 1 hour time difference, but the storm clouds ahead made it feel like we were driving into midnight. my right hand was twitchy and tested out the windshield wipers just in case. slowly but surely the sun went away and 2 drops into it, the skies opened up. i haven't been in a storm that violent in long long time. the wipers on fast could barely keep up with the water coming down. it was white out conditions and i couldn't see 5 feet ahead of the car. we plugged along for 5-10 minutes with no reprieve. in your opinion, is it better to pull off on the side of the road or keep moving at a slow pace? on a happier note, the rain cleaned all of the bugs off the car. on a sadder note, the rain took a layer of paint and metal with it too.
-got up 10 minutes late this morning.
-checked my bank account statement.
-saw the time (2:34pm) and realized how much of the work day is left.
-saw today's date and noticed the wedding is 2 months from today.
Oh yeah, and send in your wedding responses if you haven't already! Slackers.
At 6:41 PM,
Frank said…
advanced asian. i want one of those.
At 7:11 PM,
Bill said…
mr. frank,
we sent one to your parent's house in hyde park about 2-3 weeks ago. lemme know if it didn't get there.
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