chalk it up
add another year to Annie's count.
happy birthday you tuftshousealum-soccercrazed-historybuff-texan.
happy birthday you tuftshousealum-soccercrazed-historybuff-texan.
Yes, speaking of me, a wonderful idea. Be warned though that this is not for the faint of heart. I will be bitching about my daily struggles with no talent ass clowns, the insufficient number of hours in a day and my neverending search for good food. Still here? Excellent. Read on and join in.
At 2:15 PM,
Black Licorice said…
big blog day for miss annie. first frank proclaims his un-RA-like desires for her, and now bill reminds her (and kinda all of us) about the fact that we are getting older.
At 3:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
i know! i've been having my quarter-life crisis for weeks now. it's bad enough my students have asked if i was a hippie in my youth! and the others think i'm 18...
as for the list....the only action i've been getting is from the gay mexicans who are friends of my soccer team. i swear, one of them wants to steal my breasts. so i'm flattered...i think
At 3:20 PM,
Anonymous said…
flattered by frank...not by antonio
At 3:56 PM,
sarah said…
hmmm... annie emails bill and posts on his blog but won't call me back... I see how it is
At 9:39 AM,
Frank said…
p.s. don't read too much into the "above" or "below" the shoulders. focus more on the list itself ;)
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