super dork
i guess i have to admit it. sarah already knows. i have a thing for "supers." i can't help myself. ever since i was little i wanted to be invincible, be incredibly fast or even have a ring that shot out green s#$%. but of course, i'm not super and reality caught up with me. i left the neon colored tights and secret identities behind.
thenwith the advance of technology, so too came the movies based on comic books. spidey was the first big blockbuster and they don't look like they'll be stopping anytime soon. i suppose there was mystery men...but does "the spleen" truly strike fear into the heart of men? and have i told you that the whole xmen adaptation where everybody wears black leather bothers me? why is it a stretch for wolverine to wear yellow and black duds but it's believable that he has knives that come out of his hands. please.
Anyway, back to the subject. superheroes. about a month ago, NBC decided to debut a show about people in the real world demonstrating supernatural abilities. maybe that was too wordy, lemme paraphrase. heroes = x-men ripoff. but don't get me wrong, the show isn't that bad. it has a lot of promise and is my current guilty pleasure. so it's out of the bag now, super dork has been unleashed.
thenwith the advance of technology, so too came the movies based on comic books. spidey was the first big blockbuster and they don't look like they'll be stopping anytime soon. i suppose there was mystery men...but does "the spleen" truly strike fear into the heart of men? and have i told you that the whole xmen adaptation where everybody wears black leather bothers me? why is it a stretch for wolverine to wear yellow and black duds but it's believable that he has knives that come out of his hands. please.
Anyway, back to the subject. superheroes. about a month ago, NBC decided to debut a show about people in the real world demonstrating supernatural abilities. maybe that was too wordy, lemme paraphrase. heroes = x-men ripoff. but don't get me wrong, the show isn't that bad. it has a lot of promise and is my current guilty pleasure. so it's out of the bag now, super dork has been unleashed.
At 3:44 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hey you can't just copy what i say in my post and then expand on it....
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