Speaking of Bill...

Yes, speaking of me, a wonderful idea. Be warned though that this is not for the faint of heart. I will be bitching about my daily struggles with no talent ass clowns, the insufficient number of hours in a day and my neverending search for good food. Still here? Excellent. Read on and join in.

Monday, November 28, 2005

not this year...

as newlyweds, sarah and i hosted thanksgiving this year. we received a lot of cool stuff for the wedding and haven't had much of a chance to use it until recently. entertaining is nice, but exhausting. sarah and i woke up this morning to darkness and horizontal rain. it's noon now and we're both ready to go home. on a high note, the house is still clean and organized.

if you want pictures, check out sarah's blog. all i will offer is some highlights/lowlights

-stayed up to 3am wednesday night after work, prepping food and the house
-thanksgiving day arrives with 18 degree weather. it was nice not having to travel
-we had 12 people over for dinner and another 7 passed through to visit at some point
-like usual, we overestimated people's appetites and had plenty of leftovers
-some numbers: 19lb turkey, 8 apples went into one mondo apple pie, 2 pumpkin pies

-day after, got up at 4am to get presents from best buy. not fun.
-get back home and get to sleep around 7am
-sarah's mom and brother brian arrive at noon to visit for the weekend
-we had a second thanksgiving, watched a lot of family guy, went to shop on the mag mile, had lots to drink, saw joseph and the amazing technicolor dreamcoat, and ate at wildfire (where faisal and arvind joined us)

All in all it was a great weekend, but let's be honest, will sarah and i be hosting people this christmas? hell no, not this year...

Thursday, November 17, 2005

numbers game...let's play!

here are some random number facts influencing my life.

today is the 17th. i get paid on the 18th. i'm also seeing the 4th harry potter movie tomorrow.

i left the house at 7:30 this morning. it was 15 degrees with a "high" of 31. it was only 1 degree with wind chill. i don't think i'm ready for the winter yet.

it's 9:40 now and i have at least 8 hours of work left for today. *shudder*

there are 6 million people in the city of chicago, of which 99.9% are morons, of which i am not one of them :)

1 share of google costs more than $400 a share. too bad i don't own any :(

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

you're getting old mr. young

so i prepurchased my harry potter tickets for this friday. no midnight showing for me though. getting too old for that. then again, how old can i be if i plan on spending my friday night watching wizards and dragons?

Monday, November 07, 2005

hey loser, you won...

i never really win anything. not the lotto, not bingo, not vegas and certainly not NCAA brackets. last week, at the urging of one of my bosses, i donated some money for a raffle event with the proceeds going to the Fabretto Childrens Foundation, see www.fabretto.org. i gave things a quick look and figured it was a good cause, not even considering getting picked. well, i just found out today that i won. not the grand prize of some super trip, but a little something...of course, the little something turned out to be a "beauty package" consisting of gift certificates for a salon etc. still, i can't keep but thinking, maybe i still didn't win after all...sarah did...

Friday, November 04, 2005


i saw an interesting article on CNN.com this morning and figured i'd give it a looky. it was about which states had the most car-deer accidents. after spending numerous weekends in ohio this summer and seeing more deer than i have the rest of my life combined, i knew ohio was going to be in the top of the list. Penn came in first and Michigan came in second, with their crazy/crappy drivers. Ohio came in fourth...with Illinois in third?!

damn. what gives? i can't annoy sarah with another disturbing ohio factoid.

i've lived in illinois my entire life and never see deer outside of the zoo. the majority of the IL population lives in chicago where deer have to be limited. that means the rest of the state has to be hitting deer super-often to make up for chicago...like every other turn. i wonder if it's stupidity or slow-reflexes. funny how it's also chicago that votes democratic and the rest of the state that votes bush. no surprises there...