Speaking of Bill...

Yes, speaking of me, a wonderful idea. Be warned though that this is not for the faint of heart. I will be bitching about my daily struggles with no talent ass clowns, the insufficient number of hours in a day and my neverending search for good food. Still here? Excellent. Read on and join in.

Friday, September 30, 2005

search for the man-cardigan...

when i reached for the snooze button (or "dream bar" on my alarm clock) this morning, i heard that the outside temperature was in the upper 30's! not pleasant. never mind that tomorrow is supposed to hover in the 80's once again, the point is it was cold. too cold. i make it out the door on time and i'm glad to have a black jacket on because i can see my breath as i walk to the train.

the weather is the weather. what can i do?

what pisses me off is that once i get to work. i find myself colder in the office than i do outside. the A/C must be on and set to "You're screwed." as i type, i notice my nail beds are purplish-blue. people keep changing around the little thermostat, but i can never tell a difference. i think it's just put there for show - like the walk signal button at stop lights.

the office is the office. what can i do?

i'm walking around cubicle world and i notice some of the dainty girls are not shivering like i am and seem rather content. how can this be? then i notice a theme. all of them appear to be wearing jackets, cardigans and whatnot. and so this weekend i have resolved to get myself a "manly" cardigan so i have a chance of surviving the winter. they make man-bags and man-purses. why not a man-cardigan? depending on how things go and what the selections are like, i'll either be freezing on monday or shooting myself after seeing how wrong i look in the mirror. wish me luck.

Friday, September 23, 2005

life is unfair...but why isn't it ever unfair in MY favor?!

that's a little paraphrase from one of my all time favorite calvin and hobbes comic strips. it really sums up how things are affecting people all around me...

...like connie, who can't believe that bitchy uchicago chick from our dorm is now an apprentice candidate this season, instead of her.

...like mitul, who got blindsided when everything seemed to be going so well.

...like my sister, who never knew picking a date could prove to be so difficult.

why do bad things happen to good people? i just can't find an answer.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Happy Birthday!

For those of you who weren't able to join us this past weekend at Wildfire, today is Sarah's 24th Birthday. So give her a shout-out or call or email. Here's a couple of pictures from the food binge that just went down.

A Happy Birthday shout-out to Erin as well.

...next up this weekend...mr. mitul patel...

Thursday, September 15, 2005


so i was "robbed" a few times today. don't be alarmed. i wasn't robbed in the traditional violent-call-the-cops sense, but rather the slangy-i-am-very-annoyed sense. come with me, and i'll take you through...

last night was a peaceful night. the hyper-fast-super-loud-cricket was on vacation and the weather was perfectly comfortable in the low 70s. it was nice not to have the A/C on and we left the windows open. sleep was good...until 5 something in the morning. i woke up and realized very quickly that we were "robbed." robbed of summer, robbed of heat and thus robbed of sleep. somebody blew out the pilot light in chicago and temperatures dropped to the low 50s. don't laugh. we've all been there before - barely awake, chilled to the core, with a quilt so thin the draft still gets down to the bone...and you don't feel like moving. rather, you cannot move. it took a bit, but somehow i pulled it together, shut the window, grabbed another flimsy quilt and passed out again.

it's the mid afternoon. i'm tired (see above) and work is getting a little redundant. add in a food coma and i'm nodding off. i hate that. if somebody were watching me from afar, i'd probably look like a bobble-head in a hyundai on a brick road. but there's hope - sweet sweet caffeinated hope. i grab a latte from the nearby caribou, nurse it like one of my own, and wait for the drug induced alertness to kick in. but it never does. dang, i've been robbed again. somebody stole my espresso. the latte tasted fine, but i never got a second wind.

and now it's 4pm and i haven't gotten much work done. where did the time go? it certainly didn't fly away on its own. it must have been stolen.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

blah blah blah - schmakety shmakety

yeah it's been a while since i've posted last. blah blah blah.

here's a recap of life as of late:

-work's been a bitch lately as opposed to a bear
-ate a lot of cookies in a short amount of time
-BBQ'd some brats this weekend (read it how you want to)
-lily got an ipod nano (4GB) - so jealous
-started studying for the GMATs - so boring
-i think i can make a decent latte or cappucino now
-started eating captain crunch cereal again
-moved money from citibank to 5/3=fifth third (good god i hate that name...if it weren't for the 3.5% interest rate...)

i promise a post good and worth reading soon. you can't force good humor. i'm just waiting for inspiration to hit me. and what a wallop it will be...

Friday, September 02, 2005

the only "bush" worth keeping

i agree with the mayor from new orleans - president bush's relief efforts have been too slow and too small. it's 2005 and we can't take care of our own, and on our own soil. pathetic.

even writing about the situation makes me angry...i guess i'll stop. well, as a final word, here's the only bush i feel is worth keeping - all of the others should be removed...by force...immediately.

gouge this!

it's so wrong. whenever people are in need, there are always those who are out to make them need-ier.

i've heard several reports now on price gouging but the worst by far is georgia when some station was selling the "cheap shit" for almost $6 a gallon! vultures i say. vultures!

sarah and i are headed off to cleveland this weekend. first time since the wedding. mary bridget's shower is tomorrow and we come bringing gifts. normally driving to ohio for two people is cheaper than flying, but the way things are going, it's about even. needless to say, for her wedding in early october, we'll be taking a southwest flight.

here in the chicago suburbs, gas is going for $3.19. what's a gallon of regular going for around the country? chime in.