Speaking of Bill...

Yes, speaking of me, a wonderful idea. Be warned though that this is not for the faint of heart. I will be bitching about my daily struggles with no talent ass clowns, the insufficient number of hours in a day and my neverending search for good food. Still here? Excellent. Read on and join in.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

christmas came early...

so thanksgiving, my favorite holiday, came and went. it was a great time and i'll leave the details to sarah...

except for one. the weather. this past week has been wonderful. we're talking 60 in the day and 50 at night. and what better way is there to take advantage of t-shirt weather on November 26th in chicago? you grill of course! so one ribeye later i say goodbye to grilling season again...

Friday, November 17, 2006

No Console-ation...

whenever a next generation video game system launches, hundreds of thousands of children are made happy while millions are left sad and disappointed. i used to join in the craziness but in my old age i have learned that first generation anythings kinda suck, so it's best to wait a few weeks/months until the next inventory is released with less bugs. but i'm not here to give informed consumer advice, i'm here to talk about greed. i enjoy new shiny things just as much as the next person, some people just take things too far...

1. some people in putnam, connecticut were shot and mugged while waiting in line outside of a wal-mart to buy a ps3. i'm angry at both sides. the muggers for obvious reasons and the victims for not doing the smart thing.

2. there have been reports of people getting trampled during store openings. trampling? really?! i cannot comeprehend what drives a person to literally walk on and crush another being while not giving a damn. people make me sick sometimes.

3. there's a listing on ebay for somebody selling their place in line outside of a target. he was sitting there for 30 hours. as of the store openings this morning, he didn't have any takers. go figure.

4. a ps3 60GB system just sold for $6,100. i don't question why somebody would want to flip the purchase, but why would anybody pay 10 times the face value for it? kids are impulsive and lack the patience, but they're not the ones footing the bill, some spineless parent is paying 6 grand for their child's love.

And if one day of technological insanity a year isn't enough, the nintendo wii launches on the 19th, just two days from now. let's hope things turn out better next time. actually, you can hope, i'll just weep.

end rant.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Chronia Polla!

...many more years to you connie...

Thursday, November 02, 2006

caution: horny commuters

yeah that's right. you heard what i said. however, unlike you, my mind is not in the gutter. i am not referring to the cold huddled masses of commuters getting their "swerve" on in some massive metra orgy. rather i'm talking about the excessive use (abuse) of car commuters laying on their horn this morning. it started this morning trying to make a left turn into the parking lot. the lady behind me, who i must add ALSO parks in the same lot, began honking me as if to say, "the construction truck blocking the entrance is an illusion. turn now! now now now. turn you son of a b----, turn!" yep, people suck.

then of course, there are more horns on the train itself. the train blares its 200Db foghorns at each stop because enough morons have gotten hit ignoring the 2 dozen blinking lights, bells, and crossing gates. i guess metra decided that if by chance you could not see or hear the warnings, they'd make sure you could feel them in your bones.

then there's the final stretch. the city. i've been so desensitized to cars honking that it's probably bodering on dangerous. i've actually heard most city taxis get dual oversized horns installed in their cars. i was trying to think of a sound that i'd actually respond to in case of an emergency downtown and i could only come up with one. Mr. Entertainer. it's what the ice cream trucks played in my neighborhood and i've was programmed at a very young age to notice that sound. then again, instead of avoiding the danger i'd probably come a running...change in hand...