i've never been one for travelling. call me a boring, but i like the familiar. i like my bed and i like my own stuff. after all, i wouldn't have bought them if i didn't. and it's not so much that i'm drawn towards what's comfortable than i've been pushed away by the hoards of ugly travellers (both figuratively and literally).
but it's 2007 now and something's changed recently. i may have caught a travelling bug. for christmas, sarah got me 1,000 places to see before you die. nice book. well written, well organized, but f#$%ing humbling. after perusing several sections and reminscing about my frugal childhood that lacked any real vacations, i realize that i've got a lot to see. so much that i've had to say screw the masses, we gotta go.
after doing the arizona thing last summer for scott's wedding and sint maartens over christmas, sarah and i are already shoring up our situation to determine what other places we can fit into budget and schedule. speaking of sint maartens, check out sarah's blog for some pics.
Next up on our list:
1. Going across the pond. Mediterranean cruise hitting spain, france and italy. Confirmed for June!
the rest are in no particular order.
- Gotta see the big apple. Scotty and one of Sarah's cousins live there.
- and if possible, it would make the most sense to make a longer trip on the east coast to see faisal in boston and the uchicago crew around D.C.
- phoenix again, to see sarah's mom. probably no grand canyon this time, but sedona is a possibility.
- it's almost time for another vegas binge. this time sarah would come so we could finally catch alana playing a jig or two at the nine fine irishmen.
- and when it's warm again, i need to visit the PK up in minnesota.
i'm not planning on hitting all of these places in '07, but i'll get to em eventually! anybody visiting chi-town in the near future?