sharp objects
so you wanna know what's cool? knives! knives are cool. big f#$% off shiny super sharp german knives. wusthof brand. we got a set for the wedding and they're simply amazing.
you wanna know what's not cool? cutting off the tip of your middle finger with said "big f#$% off shiny super sharp german knives. wusthof brand." sure there was the physical pain, but the now i have to live with the pain of having a middle finger with gauze roughly the size of a basketball. i feel like a harlem globetrotter. maybe i should color in the gauze to make it look like a basketball. just a thought.
you wanna know what's not cool? cutting off the tip of your middle finger with said "big f#$% off shiny super sharp german knives. wusthof brand." sure there was the physical pain, but the now i have to live with the pain of having a middle finger with gauze roughly the size of a basketball. i feel like a harlem globetrotter. maybe i should color in the gauze to make it look like a basketball. just a thought.