Speaking of Bill...

Yes, speaking of me, a wonderful idea. Be warned though that this is not for the faint of heart. I will be bitching about my daily struggles with no talent ass clowns, the insufficient number of hours in a day and my neverending search for good food. Still here? Excellent. Read on and join in.

Friday, December 23, 2005

stomp that glass

so today i received a call from mr. ungar. it seems that last night, on his one year anniversary, at the restaurant he went on his first date with suzanne, he got engaged! let's give a round of applause and a warm congrats. then let's ponder what this really means...

bachelors party in vegas baby!!! wahoo!

congratulations to you both and best wishes this coming new year.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

goin' ape

so last night, sarah and i took bobby to yet another free movie - this time we caught king kong. a 3 hour flick that was visually amazing. be forewarned, peter jackson is still working on "lord of the rings time" and the film was lengthy and dragged in some places. in particular, you never even catch a glimpse of the "big guy" until after a full hour has gone by. but once you do though, the action rarely stops and they put a lot of time and effort into making kong look real. i kid you not. for a little while last night, i had hopes a huge ape was still living on a deserted island someplace. naomi watts was great, jack black was "eh", and adrianne brody's acting was great despite a medicore role.

a few highlights/spoilers:

-king kong vs 3 t-rexs was excellent. made me think of what the old godzilla movies were trying to do back in the 70s but didn't have the technology

-adrianne brody's nose, still huge, is even more off-center then previously thought

-kong playing around on a frozen pond like a child

-anytime kong was throwing people around like rag dolls was a good time

Overall, i give the movie 3 stars outta 4.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

a shout out to the tufts RA

happy birthday frank! hope this next year treats you well and that you make a killing on the halo grounds.

on another good note, sarah's brother bobby will be visiting us today for the next week. we don't have much planned for him except a lot of eating. hope he's hungry...otherwise this trip will just be cruel.

our TIVO is currently in maryland. you think there'd be a damn amazon warehouse in the greater chicagoland area with a tivo...

Sunday, December 18, 2005


so according to Sarah's brother Brian, apparently Sarah and I are D.I.N.K.s. you know...Dual Income with No Kids. meaning that we're pretty well off now, at least better that her other brother bobby.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

it's apprentice, not apprenti

oh damn! so sarah and i just finished watching the apprentice and we thought we had it figured out - trump would hire them both. but no, after belaboring their accomplishments and doting praise upon praise on them randall won. then trump left the decision up to randall whether or not to hire becca as well...and i didn't even know this was an option...he said no! i'm not bitter or even critical...i'm just surprised. that's hardcore. here's a rhodes scholar equation for you: randall=hardcore. i'm done...

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

random winter nothings

it's forecasted to snow again today. a lot. makes me think of calvin and hobbes and all the fun they have "exploring" their back yard. the snowman house of horrors are always amusing.

sarah's been rather ill the last few days. she's on the recovering end, but the weather in general isn't cooperating. thank heavens for ny-quil day-quil and all quils.

today is the jolly bengali's birthday, so if you have a chance, give faisal a call. i'm sure he'd appreciate it.

i'm having lunch with ms. myette this afternoon at the berghoff. it's funny to think how long i've known college friends now. "college friends" used to be synonymous with newer, more recent acquaintances and now it refers to people i've known for almost 6 years! that's a quarter of my life. i think that means i'm getting old.

if you recall my last post, i was in search of a new winter ski jacket. i found it - it's from lands end via sears. it was a sweet deal and it's kept me warm every day this week so far.

lastly, sarah and i have recently taken back up an old hobby...good ol' super smash brothers melee...needless to say, we're both tired and spent way too much time playing yesterday. but don't worry, i'm not playing nearly as much as frank plays halo ;)

Friday, December 09, 2005

chicken little...and a little chicken...

as sarah mentioned in her blog the other day, we went to go see chicken little on wednesday. i've been a bit behind in my movies lately, but figured i should review the movie for the greater good. now where to start...

ok, chicken little was aiight. not four stars, but two "i"s - thus, aiight. as an animated flick, the graphics were very good and the emotion they conveyed through the various bipedal animal folk was top notch. The plot was novel, but it took a while to advance and i thought the sappy father-son bonding scenes were a bit long. it was entertaining, especially for little kids, but lacked enough double entendres to satisfy the adult population. shrek and antz were just full of these. overall i enjoyed it, but let me caveat that claim by the fact that my ticket was free...

snap back to reality. last night we got 7 inches of fluffy white stuff dumped on us in about 10 hours. the streets were crippled and i heard that some people took 5 hours to drive home. my train commute time was basically doubled to 1.5 hours. needless to say, it's still kinda ugly outside and i'm working-from-home today. sarah and i also never made it to the Y to workout this morning. we were tired...and perhaps a little chicken...

weekend's almost here. wahoo!

Wednesday, December 07, 2005


nothing going on in particular recently. just work and working out. sarah and i started our new regiment of getting up at 5am, hitting the Y, then going to work as normal. too bad we're not going to bed any earlier to compensate.

if you want to see our christmas tree, check out sarah's blog. she's got blog ambition and posted pictures. oooohhhhhh...i'm a lumberjack and i'm okay...

so today's weather has windchills near negative 10 and i saw on the news this morning that chicago was actually colder than minnesota. what the hell is going on here? global warming, my ass. in fact, it's the opposite, i'm freezing my ass off. which reminds me. i need a new coat. this whole wool thing can only get me so far. i need a new regular, ski-type of winter coat. the kind that doesn't suck up/absorb snow like a sponge. anyway, i've been looking here and there and i find all of them rather hideous - crazy colors and patterns. can't i be warm and not look like a crossing guard or one of the vatican's swiss guard?! i suppose if i ever design a line of winter coats, i'll have to make them obnoxious to gain any market share. i got it, i'll call the line Yeti and yeah, you'll know what's up. you'll step into the fluffy one-piece Yeti outfit and look like a freak, but you'll be the warmest one around...

Thursday, December 01, 2005

fluff = dumb

so i dunno why it happens, it just does. people get dumb whenever a little adversity comes their way. instead of taking 8 minutes to drive to the parking lot this morning, it took almost 20 and we missed our train.

whenever the slightest bit of precipitation occurs, snow in today's case, people tend to freak out. sorry, i'm exaggerating...it wasn't snow, it was flurries and there was little to no accumulation on the roads. i've been driving for a while now and i'll cut people some slack. it was slick out, so driving slower is better than too fast, but people were going an obnoxious 5mph, getting into the wrong lanes, honking each other for no reason and simply not using their mirrors. it was a "mad house" if you will.

watch, tomorrow 5 feet of snow will hit our house ALONE because i'm bitching about the weather today. so let me be clear. blizzard? snow storm? white out conditions? that's bad stuff and difficult to drive in. but flurries? F$%# flurries. that's what i say.

it must be genetic. something in their very cells must tell them, Oh crap, is that snow? i think that's snow that's touched my vehicle. i'm taking evasive action. screw the traffic laws, screw physics, and certainly screw you asian dude in the silver sante fe trying to get to work on time.

sometimes i feel like it's sarah and i against the world. it's gonna be long winter.