ok, so my better half beat me to the punch. you can check out her blog for some scenic pictures of the red rock area and the grand canyon. if you want something to read, here's the skinny on the long weekend...
day 1: had a beautiful drive up to sedona. it was pretty hot, but nothing like the humid chicago heat that can kill you. after dinner at Redstone, we dropped the top on the convertible and just went on a drive. like i said before, if you want a picture, see sarah's blog.
day2: over the hills, through the mountains and off to the grand canyon. the place was a lot greener than originally thought, but the views were just what i was expecting...simply jaw-dropping. dawoodi referred to it as simply "a big hole" and lily called them upside down mountains. both correct, but they really don't do it justice. this was sunset at yavapai point...

day 3: phoenix. 106 degrees. convertible top...up.
we went to the desert botanical gardens before our hotel room was ready. i never knew cacti were so different and numerous. this was my favorite type...devil cactus (horns, tail and all, he's only about a foot tall).

the fairmont princess. this place was ridiculous. i've never stayed at a 5 star resort and although it costs an arm and a leg, they will wait on you hand and foot. if and when sarah's mom moves down to phoenix, i have a feeling we won't be staying with her...

We also had an opportunity to visit some of my cousins living just outside of the city. everybody seems to be doing really well and ivan grilled some fantastic steaks and shrimp for us.

Finally, we ended the night by driving to tempe, AZ to give scott a final hurrah at a piano bar at the U of A.
day 4: the wedding. everybody had a wonderful time. i've never been to jewish wedding, but it was a lot of fun. there was drinking, dancing, chairs lifted up overhead, jump roping (?), whiskey shots (*shudder*), midnight swimming, and yes, glass breaking. Mazel-Tov! congrats to dr. and mrs. ungar (very weird to hear/say).
day 5: brunch and travelling. overall, a solid trip.
2 unrelated trip notes to blog about. one sad. one happy.
sad. farewell to mandy. i should have given you more table scraps when i had the chance...
happy. check out the bellagio fountain show in diet coke
form... Note to the wise. never drink diet coke and eat mentos at the same time...