search for the man-cardigan...
the weather is the weather. what can i do?
what pisses me off is that once i get to work. i find myself colder in the office than i do outside. the A/C must be on and set to "You're screwed." as i type, i notice my nail beds are purplish-blue. people keep changing around the little thermostat, but i can never tell a difference. i think it's just put there for show - like the walk signal button at stop lights.
the office is the office. what can i do?
i'm walking around cubicle world and i notice some of the dainty girls are not shivering like i am and seem rather content. how can this be? then i notice a theme. all of them appear to be wearing jackets, cardigans and whatnot. and so this weekend i have resolved to get myself a "manly" cardigan so i have a chance of surviving the winter. they make man-bags and man-purses. why not a man-cardigan? depending on how things go and what the selections are like, i'll either be freezing on monday or shooting myself after seeing how wrong i look in the mirror. wish me luck.