Speaking of Bill...

Yes, speaking of me, a wonderful idea. Be warned though that this is not for the faint of heart. I will be bitching about my daily struggles with no talent ass clowns, the insufficient number of hours in a day and my neverending search for good food. Still here? Excellent. Read on and join in.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


so it appears that i might have to work on the first day of my christmas vacation now. i'll be in florida and that really blows. i guess i'll cross that bridge when i get to it, but for now, grad school is looking pretty good.

happy thanksgiving to everyone. i'm not posting for the rest of november cause i'm considering it one long weekend :)

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


as in carpet. sarah just told me we'll be getting our new carpet delivered and installed on friday. do you know what that means? do you?! by the time this weekend is over, hopefully we'll have all the basement and first floor remodeling done! that just leaves the upstairs bathroom. woot. i would expect pictures soon...

Monday, November 24, 2008

change of pace

not at work, today was still crazy, but i'm talking the morning routine. sarah started at her new locale this morning which means for the first time in like 4 years, we'll be getting off at different stops in the city. at least we get to ride in together for like 90% of the commute though. it's a little odd and i'll probably develop a new coffee spot to go to, but it was bound to happen as i'll moving locations sometime in 2009 probably.

pork chops for dinner tonight. can't wait!

Friday, November 21, 2008

sprint for the finish

...let's hope this doesn't turn out to be a marathon as we round the bend.

like most every friday, i had max's today for lunch. a greasy hole in the wall dive with excellent double cheeseburgers. normally this is a guilty pleasure i look forward to after a mostly-healthy week. but the long hours of late have forced me to eat out a bunch already and i think i need a little detox this weekend.

on a happy note, i think i beat sarah to posting today. wahoo.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

i brought extra...

...clothes...to work...

i really hope tonight isn't an all-nighter, but i'm prepared (kinda).

my buddy frank has offered to let me crash at his place if i can't catch my train tonight.

i miss my wife and dog and home and sleep. a little over a day to go and i'll be free - Free!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

50 hours

as sarah's mentioned, i've been a bit busy at work lately with a deadline of this friday. well, i ran into a co-worker on this project and all he said to me initially was "50 hours." he was referring to the number of hours left to go before the report is actually due, but it's a sad day when i thought he was talking about the amount of time worked this week already. glass half full or glass half empty...

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

beedle the scammer

i get regular emails from amazon usually pitching items i've already purchased or ones i'd never ever consider using their bad logic. recently, i got a notice about pre-ordering the tales of beedle the bard, from j.k. rowling. sarah and i love the potter series and had no question that we were going to get a copy of this. however, the notice was not for the "standard" edition that costs only $7.59 but rather the "collector's" edition that costs...well, there's no price listed in the email. [cue ominous music] i click through and after the jump find out this version contains some framable prints, extra drawings and an overall more wizard-y feel to it. price? $100.00

one hundred dollars for a kids book? what kind of mass produced collector's edition costs 12 times more than the original? i dunno about you, but i'm seriously disgusted by this...

Monday, November 17, 2008

cage match 2: brian v the oyster

we hit the Gage for dinner on saturday before seeing the incredibly disappointing quantum of solace (don't ask, i just can't go into it yet). naturally, brian opted to eat deep dish pizza a mere 4 hours before our previously arranged meal time, so he wasn't all that hungry. in lieu of a full meal he ordered two appetizers one lobster dish, the other oysters. he liked the former and could only down one oyster before sending the dish away. he got mussels/clams mixed up with oysters - thus the showdown. after a good laugh, we thought all was said and done until we heard in typical brian fashion, "i can feel that oyster swimmin' around." sigh. what are we going to do with him...

Friday, November 14, 2008

cage match: casual friday v. winnie the weaver

about a year ago, my firm decided to let us have casual/jean fridays. it's a small but nice concession by the big guys. woohoo. today is a bit brisk so i'm wearing a sweater.

***flash to sometime in the middle of the night***
i imagine at some point after we go to bed, winnie must get out of her crate and tiptoe into our bedroom with her ninja-like skills. i see her pulling out the sweater i'm going to wear in the morning and proceed to weave her loose hairs into it, putting it back nicely and going back to sleep. an impressive feat made even more impressive when we consider her lack of opposable thumbs.

ok, it's almost lunchtime now and as i extract a slew of wavy undercoat, i'm convinced that it's not like i brushed up willy-nilly against some and have a couple on me through the power of static cling. no, winnie was a determined little corgi and really made a display of her mad textile skills. sigh. it's probably a good thing that i can't see my backside...

Thursday, November 13, 2008


tonight is my work league's final intermediate regular season volleyball game. let's hope it goes well...at least better than it has been. we were pretty clumsy in the spring, got 2nd place during summer beach, and now we're dead last this fall. what gives? good thing everyone makes the playoffs :p we're in quite the funk now and have to ditch it fast. my thumb is almost healed and we should have our full squad present. no excuses.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


i was gonna spew some more go-see-quantum-of-solace-this-weekend stuff, but a food coma has hijacked anything of interest i had to say. i need a nap. i'm tired. i know a lot of others are too (if facebook statuses are any indicator). what's the deal with our generation being chronically sleep deprived? i'm pretty sure my parents' generation was even more tired on average, but just didn't bitch about it. i've also heard that as you get older you don't need as much sleep. are they serious? being generous, i get around 6 hours a night on average and have a hard time figuring out how i'll function on sub-6. hell, what would one look like on let's say 4 hours of sleep every night? i think the correct term to describe that would be "hot mess," according to urban dictionary. ok, i know people who do it (my old AP chem teacher) and i probably will too one day (read: fatherhood) but for now, i find that such a scary prospect. tonight, i'm going to be in bed before midnight. i'll let you know what happens in the morning.

yes winnie, that's exactly how i feel...

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


i just had a chat with some co-workers about eating habits - particularly, cooking versus eating out. i absolutely love a good restaurant but i think dumbledore summed it up best with "there will be a time when we must choose what is easy and what is right."

eating healthy is expensive and takes a lot of work. if you do it yourself, access to decent produce and being ok with eating a 9pm are a few requisites. i won't even talk about the cleanup. we're normally pretty consistent and make home cooked meals about 5 times a week (the weekdays) but last night, after a long weekend and longer monday and having to make a lowes run for approximately 500lbs of tile, sarah and i grabbed two pies from papa johns. not that we "settled" on it, we love their pizzas, but they're not good for you. seriously, anything that comes with a only-a-liquid-when-heated-garlic-butter dipping sauce is out for your money with no concern for your well being. and if you truly are what you eat, then sarah and i are in a bit of trouble.

so despite the feeling of being "unhealthy" now, our habits aren't going to change in the near future. next time we're short on time, we won't be short on fast food. anybody have a healthy recipe they'd like to share (that still tastes good)?

Monday, November 10, 2008

i (heart) imdb

i can't help it...whenever i watch a movie or TV, i start relating characters to other roles they've played. the obscure ones make me the happiest like identifying people "before they were famous." sarah's favorite catch seems to be finding john c. reilly in pretty much anything created since the early 90s. seriously though, the man's been in a LOT of movies. we've also noticed hayden penettiere, aka heroes' save the cheerleader, starred in a lot as a child.

my latest connection was drawn last night while watching a guilty pleasure, trueblood - HBO's vampire mini-series. in it, i saw some scruffy looking secondary character that made me think of none other, but a guy from gilmore girls. that's right, gilmore girls. sarah loves the series, owns it all on DVD and so yeah, i've watched a couple of episodes. uncertainty abound, we turned to imdb and hallelujah, i was right. congrats bill, you're a dork, on so many levels...


off topic comments

1. in defense of my national blog posting month record, i didn't post this weekend, because i was working, but mostly because it was the weekend i don't think that should count

2. quantum of solace. out friday. see it.

3. basement work begins wednesday. renovation pics of the "beginning of the end" will come shortly...

Friday, November 07, 2008


i'm taking today's post to share with you one of web 2.0's better inventions. it provides a lot of smiles and helps me through most of my days...

world, meet failblog

and failblog's closely related cousin the pundit kitchen

seriously, what's better than to take a moment and laugh at the stupid and silly during a week of complications and headaches. in particular, here are a couple of my favorites.

from failblog:

from pundit kitchen:
Obama Pictures and McCain Pictures
see Sarah Palin pictures

Thursday, November 06, 2008


it's been a long haitus, but seeing that it's NaBloPoMo, i guess i should try starting this up again. probably nobody is reading this anymore, which means i have very little to lose anyway. now if i don't post again soon and return to hibernation, check out facebook, the de facto micro blog on life events and every little piece of TMI in between. besides, if the election has taught me anything, it's that it's time for change. the president (boo-ya!), the season (just boo), daylight savings (annoying) and house renovations (still...not...finished...) just to name a few.

ok, i'm not gonna push this first post back - i don't wanna strain anything. to leave you on a happy note, here's a pic of winnie on her 1st birthday.
she might not look like it, but she's overcome with joy.